David Romain, Féral Jean-Pierre, Archambeau Anne-Sophie, Arnaud Fanny, Auber David, Bailly Nicolas, Bernard Loup, Blanpain Cyrille, Breton Vincent, Couvet Denis, Cohen-Nabeiro Anna, Delavaud Aurélie, Dias Alrick, Gachet Sophie, Goffaux Robin et al., avril 2017 — Results of IndexMed GRAIL Days 2016: How to use standards to build GRAphs and mIne data for environmentaL research? IndexMeed consortium for data mining in ecology. , , Poster - The 9th RDA Plenary Meeting has taken place from 5th to 7th April 2017 at the Barcelo Sants Hotel, Barcelona, Spain.Organised under the theme “Data Infrastructures for Open Science”, the event will bring together an international multi-disciplina