décembre 2023 — 2020-2021 activity report for the Marine Turtle Observatory of mainland France and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. , ,
mars 2023 — A synthetic indicator based on nesting trend to inform the general public about the status of sea turtle in France and its overseas territories. , , Poster
juin 2022 — Nesting range expansion of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean: Phenology, spatial distribution, and conservation implications. Global Ecology and Conservation vol. 38, , e02194
juin 2022 — À la rencontre des Reptiles (2022). , , p. 16
mai 2022 — Expertise scientifique sur la cohérence du réseau Natura 2000 en mer en réponse aux demandes de la Commission Européenne. , , 33 pages + 37 pages d’annexes
2022 — Expertise scientifique sur la cohérence du réseau Natura 2000 en mer, en réponse aux demandes de la Commission Européenne. , Rapport PatriNat , dir. PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN) 29 p
2022 — Drivers of Litter Ingestion by Sea Turtles: Three Decades of Harmonised Data from Atlantic Europe and the Mediterranean. SSRN Electronic Journal , , 40 p
2022 — Nesting range expansion of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean: phenology, spatial distribution and conservation implications. , Poster to 40th International Sea Turtle Symposium Online. March 25-28 2022 ,
2022 — Toward a common approach for assessing the conservation status of marine turtle species within the european marine strategy framework directive. Frontiers in Marine Science vol. 9, ,
2022 — Nesting range expansion of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean: Phenology, spatial distribution, and conservation implications. Global Ecology and Conservation vol. 38, e02194,
2022 — Toward a common approach for assessing the conservation status of marine turtle species within the european marine strategy framework directive. Frontiers in Marine Science vol. 9, ,
novembre 2021 — Shift in demographic structure and increased reproductive activity of loggerhead turtles in the French Mediterranean Sea revealed by long-term monitoring. Scientific Reports vol. 11, , p. 23164
2021 — Foraging grounds of adult loggerhead sea turtles across the Mediterranean Sea: key sites and hotspots of risk. Biodiversity and Conservation , ,
2021 — Distribution of seafloor litter and its interaction with benthic organisms in deep waters of the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). Science of the Total Environment vol. 788, , Diffusion limitée - contacter le ou les auteurs
2021 — « Physical Impacts of Microplastics on Marine Species » in Handbook of Microplastics in the Environment.. , , dir. Springer International Publishing p. 1-14
2021 — Propositions pour l’harmonisation de la surveillance et des évaluations réalisées dans le cadre des Directives Oiseaux, Habitats-Faune-Flore, et des Directives-Cadres sur l’Eau et Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin. , Rapport PatriNat , dir. UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN) 65 p
2021 — Genetic composition, origin and conservation of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) frequenting the French Mediterranean coasts. Marine biology vol. 168, , chap. 52 15 p
2021 — Shift in demographic structure and increased reproductive activity of loggerhead turtles in the French Mediterranean Sea revealed by long-term monitoring. Scientific Reports vol. 11, n° 23164, 12 p
2020 — Rapport d’activité 2018-2019 de l’observatoire des Tortues marines de France métropolitaine. , Rapport PatriNat , dir. UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN) 38 p
2020 — Stratégie de surveillance des contaminants chez les tortues marines en France dans le cadre de la DCSMM. , Rapport PatriNat , dir. UMS PatriNat (OFN-CNRS-MNHN) p. 28